Adi Cakobau School Headgirl Aims To Bring About Change


Life has not been plain sailing since Iliseva Latianara’s mother died four years ago. However, the Nacobo Village, Ovalau native, who was badged Adi Cakobau School headgirl yesterday, readily accepted

By Sheldon Chanel, Suva, Fiji Sun

ACS headgirl Iliseva Latianara (with garland), with family members (from left), sister Kinisimere Ligavou, father Eroni Latianara and brother Lepani Senibua. Photo: Sheldon Chanel

Life has not been plain sailing since Iliseva Latianara’s mother died four years ago.

However, the Nacobo Village, Ovalau native, who was badged Adi Cakobau School headgirl yesterday, readily accepted the responsibility to lead 105 other student leaders of the school.

Iliseva’s father, Eroni Latianara, had the task off raising his daughter through her teen years.

Beaming with pride in Sawani, Waimanu, yesterday, the single father was lost for words on how to describe the pride he felt at her daughter’s appointment.

While the prefect badges did not arrive on time for the induction, the Waimanu girls, with the new head girl at the front, took their oaths with determination.   

“I want to be a leader who can make a difference in someone’s life, somebody that’s friendly and approachable, but you know when it’s business, it’s business,” the 17-year-old Iliseva said.

“I wasn’t planning to become a head prefect, but I just wanted to do better for my dad and to show him that everything he did for us was not in vain.”

She likes to watch movies and read whenever she can spare some time from her studies.

When she finishes school this year, the Year 13 student plans to study and receive training as a pediatrician.

Academically, she was among the top scorers in the country in science last year, earning a tour with four other high achievers to Japan.    

The headgirl had advice for her juniors. She said: “Keep on striving and never stop trying to be better at whatever you do.”

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