Adi Salote Fulfils Her Dream To Be Dux

By Wati Talebula-Nuku, The Fiji Sun

Adi Cakobau School Dux Adi Salote Radrotini with her mother Nelly Wye Radrotini, ather Nayama Bai Radrotini and sister Rosainimere Radrotini at the school prize giving on November 25, 2022.

Walking past the honours board in the corridors of Adi Cakobau School always inspired Adi Salote Radrotini to one day add her name to the list of top students on the board.

Last Friday; she accomplished the goal she made to herself in Year Nine when she was named the school dux.

Adi Salote thanked everyone who helped her to be where she is today.

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