Miss Charlton

An Inspirational Pioneer tells the story of Ms Frances Lilian Charlton in what is probably the best way possible. The book holds a collection of personal memories by some ex-scholars and former teachers who were at Adi Cakobau School of when Miss Frances Lilian Charlton was the school’s founding principal between 1948 through to the 1960’s.

‘This collection resonates with warmth and appreciation as each contributor recounts her many different experiences under the progressive and inspirational leadership of a remarkable woman. Their voices not only tell personal stories, but illustrate the need to entertain a far from ‘traditional’ concept of ‘schooling’; one that emobodies notions of education for life in its best and broadest sense. ‘

The book is essential reading not only for ex-scholars of ACS, but for parents and teachers who are passionate about a school’s ability to prepare today’s young women to not only enjoy and thrive during their school years but for life in a world that sometimes seem to be changing too much too quickly.