Two head girls ready

By Elena Vucukula, Fiji Times

Adi Cakobau School head girls Kelera Fong (front, left) and Adi Vani Rasiga with the prefects during the induction ceremony in Sawani, Naitasiri yesterday. Pictures: SOPHIE RALULU

The two newly inducted head girls of Adi Cakobau School – Kelera Fong and Vani Rasiga – know they have big shoes to fill.

They were appointed yesterday during the combined thanksgiving church service and prefect’s induction ceremony held at the ACS lower hall in Sawani.

Year 13 student Kelera Fong said she was expecting challenges.

“Being a leader is not easy,” the 18-year-old said.

“It may sound good, but it’s very challenging.”

The Namuka villager in Macuata said she hoped to instil discipline among her fellow sisters in school.

“This year I hope that all the school rules will be followed.

“There are more prefects this year compared to the previous years, so every area in school has prefects and the issues in school would beminimised.”

Vani Rasiga said her appointment as the head girl came with a lot of responsibilities.

“There will be expectations and also pressure and I will do my best to live up to the expectations of the school management and teachers.

“To do my duties well and serve the girls and I know God will help me through this.”

The Lomati villager in Cicia, Lau said she had faith in the prefects to help each other in their roles.

“It will be teamwork and communication that is vital for us.”

For the first time ACS had appointed 183 school prefects for the 2022 academic year.

ACS principal Bharti Singh reminded the newly inducted prefects of the milestone achievement they had reached in becoming leaders of the school.

“Leadership is about empowering others,” Mrs Singh said.

“As a leader you need to have emotional strength.

“You will encounter obstacles and failures, reflect on these as opportunities to learn.”

Mrs Singh congratulated the young girls from Sawani for an exceptional 2021 examination results for Year 12 and Year 13 despite the COVID-19 pandemic.

Adi Cakobau School has a roll of 1001 students, 395 are boarders and 606 are day-scholars.

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